Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Correcting the “chi” or negative energy in a room

Zentao symbol as evolution of the Tao (Yin Yan...Image via Wikipedia

If you have a room that just doesn't seem to feel “right” it could be an energy flow problem and in some cases the application of a little “feng shui” may be just what the room doctor orders. In feng shui, different colors and natural elements and also furniture position all have a bearing on the “feeling/energy” in a room.
Try out these ideas for your room and see if you can improve the “chi” or energy in your room. Use the list below to stimulate positive energy "Chi" and redirect negative energy:
Bright Objects to use decoratively in Feng Shui:
Mirrors, Faceted Crystal balls, gems, lights, and candles
Wind chimes, bells, music
Living Chi:
Flowers, Plants, Birds, Fish
Mobiles, Chimes, Fountains
Stone Sculptures, Furniture
Computers, Stereos, TV
Natural elements:
Bamboo, wood, stone
Blue  is calm and soothing. This color reflects love as it heals and relaxes. It is an ideal color in bedrooms and this explains why so many people subconsciously use it for their bedrooms and bath rooms.  Blue creates a feeling of peace and trust. Feng Shui associates the color blue with adventure and exploration because it is the color of the sky and ocean. Navy blue is the color of intellect and wisdom and is ideal to use in a space where a  student may study.
Black color in Feng Shui represents money and income, black is great for careers and can be an ideal color to use in an office where finances or writing is the occupation, especially effective  when used with metal. It is the Feng Shui color of emotional protection and power.
Purple, is very significant in Feng Shui. The color purple  is ideal  for physical and mental healing and Feng Shui associates it with spiritual awareness. This may be a good color in an area of where massage is to take place, or a bedroom to promote better physical and mental health as well.
The white color represents poise, purity and confidence. Feng Shui uses this color many times in conjunction with gold or silver to create an atmosphere of calmness.
The yellow color in Feng Shui is similar in its effects  as the color red. Yellow represents sun rays, warmth, movement, cheerfulness and friendliness. One should use the color yellow in Feng Shui moderately as it is believed in Feng Shui to cause anxiety as well.
The orange color has great significance for Feng Shui. Orange strengthens your concentration. Having an orange color in Feng Shui can give you a sense of purpose. Orange is the color of organization as well so oddly enough, this color would be ideal in creative spaces like an office, a study,  or a  craft room.
Bagua Map
Many that employ the tactics of Feng Shui use a Bagua map. Bagua means 8-sided and is pictured as an octagonal shape. You may superimpose the map over any floor plan of a home, room, or office to see what areas need attention.
In arranging a room, 9 areas are noted to be of special significance. The  Bagua Map, illustrates the relationship of areas in a room (or home) in relation to the room's Main Entrance. Imagine dividing your room (home, office) into the following 9 areas.

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